Psssst.....Hey you! You want the hookup? You want that good-good? Hide your kids, hide your man, stop, drop and roll The BadAss Tarot is in town and here to stay! This organic, free-range, artisan hand-made 78 card deck based in the RWS system is vegan and gluten free! This sassy friend encourages you to let your hair down and have some fun! Serving us a steaming hot cup of tea with pop culture references that gives new insights and put a different twist on the meanings of the cards. Keep this deck energetically charged by placing it near your stash of porn, lube and weed. You’ll be reaching for it often so keep it close by!

Trigger Warning: If anything in life triggers you then this is not the deck for you! Side effects may include: Being woke. Laughing, smiling and general joy. Peace. Improved decision making. Clarity in life & more.

Do not BadAss Tarot if you’re allergic to tarot.

Start at 47:39

Start at 9:35